Who we are.

The name E.C.O. stands for a strong, experienced and interdisciplinary team.

Our mission is…

  • to be a reliable and trustworthy partner for our clients
  • to apply our technical knowledge in an independent and responsible way
  • to build bridges between cultures, opinions, disciplines and professional positions
  • to link enthusiasm and professionalism in our work
  • to integrate innovative approaches, methods and techniques into our work


Dr. Hanns Kirchmeir
Dr. Hanns Kirchmeir
Managing director; vegetation/forest ecologist and IT expert
+43 (0) 463 504 144-12

Hanns is managing director and responsible for the development of the technical environment of the company, complex modelling, managing of key projects in forest ecology, data management and development cooperation.

Specialty: Comprehensive system analyses

Caroline Fiedler
Caroline Fiedler
Management assistant, office management
+43 (0) 463 504 144-10

Caro is responsible for office management, personnel and financial management, general communication and administrative support for projects.

Her specialty: Flawless office management

DI Dr. Christina Pichler-Koban
DI Dr. Christina Pichler-Koban
Project manager; landscape planner, nature and society
+43 (0) 463 504 144-21

Christina is responsible for interdisciplinary research and education projects.

Specialty: Multifaceted conservation history

Mag. Elisabeth Bachlechner MSc
Mag. Elisabeth Bachlechner MSc
Project manager; human geographer, graphic and communication specialist
+43 (0) 463 504 144-25

Lisi is responsible for nature and science communication, graphics and layout, cartography, GIS and public relations.

Specialty: Creative communication designs

DI Tobias Köstl MSc
DI Tobias Köstl MSc
Head of the nature team; vegetation ecologist specialised in alpine pastures
+43 (0) 463 504 144-32

Tobi is responsible for management planning, Natura 2000, habitat mapping and GIS.

Specialty: Precise habitat mapping

DI Michael Huber
DI Michael Huber
Project manager; landscape planner specialised in international protected areas (currently on maternity leave)
+43 (0) 463 504 144-55

Mike is responsible for planning and consulting protected areas and developing international cooperation projects.

Specialty: Clever protected area planning

DI Anna Kovarovics
DI Anna Kovarovics
Head of the communication team; landscape planner specialised in nature education
+43 (0) 463 504 144-34

Anna is responsible for nature and environmental education, interpretative trails and graphic design.

Specialty: Innovative visitor information

DI Susanne Glatz-Jorde MSc
DI Susanne Glatz-Jorde MSc
Head of the planning team; landscape planner with several years of professional experience in Africa
+43 (0) 463 504 144-31

Susi is responsible for project development and ecological construction supervision.

Specialty: Tailor-made action plans

Alfred Müller
Alfred Müller
IT technician specialised in open source solutions

Alfred is responsible for the development and maintenance of our complex IT infrastructure.

Specialty: Savvy IT solutions

Corinna Hecke MSc
Corinna Hecke MSc
Project manager; biologist, drone pilot (currently on maternity leave)
+43 (0) 463 504 144-33

Corinna is responsible for technical innovations, habitat mapping and monitorings.

Specialty: Spectacular UAV photos

DI Daniel Wuttej MSc
DI Daniel Wuttej MSc
Project manager; landscape and conservation planner
+43 (0) 463 504 144-37

Daniel is responsible for vegetation monitoring and GIS analyses.

Specialty: Spot-on vegetation monitoring

Mag. Raphael Süßenbacher
Mag. Raphael Süßenbacher
Project manager; legal expert specialised in environmental and nature conservation law, nature conservation engineer
+43 (0) 463 504 144-51

Raphael is responsible for legal support in conservation and environmental matters.

Specialty: Profound legal support

Mag. Romana Piiroja
Mag. Romana Piiroja
Communications and marketing, project work (currently on maternity leave)
+43 (0) 463 504 144-36

Romana is responsible for project work, communications and public relations.

Specialty: Coherent marketing and communication measures

Dr. Klaus Steinbauer
Dr. Klaus Steinbauer
Vegetation ecologist
+43 (0) 463 504 144-54

Klaus is responsible for vegetation monitoring and statistical analyses.

Specialty: Complex statistical analyses.

Jasmine Feldbacher-Freithofnig BSc
Jasmine Feldbacher-Freithofnig BSc
Zoologist; Project manager
+43 (0) 463 504 144-23

Jasmine is responsible for project support in the nature team.

Specialty: protected area management, nature conservation engineer

Larissa Posch MSc
Larissa Posch MSc
Project manager for GIS and remote sensing
+43 (0) 463 504 144-27

Larissa is responsible for the preparation and evaluation of remote sensing data, GIS analyses and statistical evaluations.

Specialty: geoinformation, remote sensing, 3D visualisation


Jana Baumgartner MSc
Jana Baumgartner MSc
Project manager on forestry, forest policy and geography
+43 (0) 463 504 144-26

Jana is responsible for international project work in the department of sustainability.

Specialty: Forest Policy and Governance

Stefanie Thaler BSc
Stefanie Thaler BSc
Project manager in the field of forest ecology (currently on maternity leave)
+43 (0) 463 504 144-28

Stefanie is responsible for research projects with a focus on forestry and wildlife ecology.

Speciality: 3D analyses of forest stands

Marion Benirschke MSc
Marion Benirschke MSc
Project manager, Environmental and biotechnologist
+43 (0) 463 504 144-52

Marion is responsible for project work in the field of nature conservation and protected area management.

Specialty: Ecological planning

Thomas Stadlober MSc
Thomas Stadlober MSc
Project manager, vegetation ecologist
+43 (0) 463 504 144-24

Thomas is responsible for project work in the field of vegetation mapping and monitoring.

Specialty: Detailed vegetation surveys