Mobile GIS for the nature conservation department Salzburg

Associated persons Hanns Kirchmeir, Christian Keusch
Year 2012

In Salzburg (like in other Austrian provinces), the nature conservation department works out grant agreements for different programs with landowners and landusers. These agreements include a grant application form and a map of the areas where measures to be implemented. So far, experts collected the necessary data in analog way in the field, transferred it into the data base in the office and digitalized the spatial data in different GIS-Programs to provide the printed maps to the applicants. In cooperation with R3Gis, E.C.O. developed a mobile GIS for the nature conservation department (MOSANA-GIS). This modern GIS-Application supports mobile data collection and with that speeds up the working process. Also, it ensures that the spatial and descriptive data of the nature conservation department is available with the accuracy and precision as required.