Interreg I-Swamp

Associated persons Susanne Glatz-Jorde, Daniel Wuttej, Jasmine Feldbacher-Freithofnig, Raphel Süßenbacher
Clients Geopark Karawanken/Karawanke
Partners Karina Smole-Wiener, Arge NATURSCHUTZ, Doris Gitschthaler; Partner: TESAF University of Padua, Nature conservation institute Maribor
Year 2022

Starting in the fall of 2022, smaller wetland maintenance and restoration measures were planned in 6 wetland habitats in the Geopark Karawanken/Karawanke and implemented together with volunteers. As a first step, the vegetation and animal species (amphibians, dragonflies, birds) were surveyed and development goals were set. Awareness-raising workshops were developed and conducted. The results were incorporated into school materials and a guideline for wetland restoration, which was elaborated with all Interreg partners. Furthermore, restoration measures in the Sonnegger Moor were organized and ecologically monitored. These included the clearing of overgrown Molinia meadows, invasive species control and the elaboration of permission documents for the subsequent restoration of mowability and the implementation of amphibian ponds.