Awareness raising and aftercare in the Natura 2000 site Ziegelteich near Hörtendorf

Associated persons Raphael Süßenbacher, Susanne Glatz-Jorde, Elisabeth Wiegele
Clients Magistrat Klagenfurt, Abteilung Klima- und Umweltschutz
Year 2023

In 2022, various measures were taken for the conservation areas ESG Lendspitz-Maiernigg and Natura 2000 site Ziegelteich near Hörtendorf to maintain forest areas and to further develop these two conservation areas. In order to further develop the protected areas and to ensure their conservation status, further measures were also taken in 2023. Awareness raising and information on the protected areas in Klagenfurt will be further expanded. Specifically, the information offered on the homepage of the Provincial Capital of Klagenfurt will be expanded to include information on the Natura 2000 site Ziegelteich near Hörtendorf. The planted trees are also repeatedly checked and cut free in order to guarantee their continued growth. Furthermore, the emerging black locust trees (neophytes) in the forest will be ringed and the new shoots removed. The two protected areas will also be marked as such and made visible. In the Lendspitz-Maiernigg site, the Maiernigg part of the site is marked separately. In the Natura 2000 site Ziegelteich near Hörtendorf the marking is newly installed. E.C.O. prepares a draft of the information boards on which the central protected goods are shown with pictures and a short description as well as the corresponding rules of conduct.