Implementation of management measures im ESG Lendpsitz-Maiernigg

Associated persons Susanne Glatz-Jorde, Raphael Süßenbacher, Jasmine Feldbacher-Freithofnig, Elisabeth Wiegele
Clients City of Klagenfurt, Department of Climate and Nature Conservation
Partners Land Management Jeffrey Orasch
Year 2022

Since the creation of the management plan in 2015 by E.C.O. conservation measures where elaborated and implemented on the natura 2000 site Lendspitz-Maiernigg with the technical support of E.C.O. These serve to maintain or to create a good conservation status for the FFH habitats in the area. Maintenance measures were implemented in 2022. One focus was the control of neophytes in the forest. For example, non-native robinias were ringed and in the gaps of the closed forest oak and lime trees were planted. In addition, abandoned moor grass meadows in Maiernigg were mowed. To raise awareness, marking and information boards for water sports enthusiasts were designed, coordinated with the authorities and installed. In addition, we wrote informative texts about the Natura 2000 area for the homepage of the Klagenfurt magistrate as well as profiles for relevant protected species.