Forest road network Austria

Associated persons Jasmine Feldbacher-Freithofnig, Anneliese Fuchs, Larissa Posch, Raphael Süßenbacher, Hanns Kirchmeir
Clients WWF Austria
Year 2023

The construction of forest roads for forest access is considered a prerequisite for proper and economically sustainable forest management. Forest roads not only lead to a decline in biodiversity (due to fragmentation of the areas) but also to the loss of living and production space (Kirchmeir et al., 2020)

With this study for WWF Austria, E.C.O uses existing data and provides an up-to-date overview of the development network of forest roads in Austria. The project team qualitatively analyzes habitat impairment due to construction, maintenance and use of forest roads. Fragmentation is processed using GIS analysis and then presented in a report.