Promoting urban biodiversity. Open space planning for “Neue Heimat” in Villach

Associated persons Anneliese Fuchs, Susanne Glatz-Jorde
Clients LWBK Landeswohnbau Kärnten
Partners Naturgarten Mattuschka, okai oberkärnter architekturinitiative
Year 2021

Another project to promote biodiversity in Villach involves biodiversity-friendly open space planning for the reconstruction of the Kanaltalersiedlung area in Villach. This housing estate is being completely rebuilt in the framework of a reconstruction project, and the open space is to be designed as naturally as possible for the residents. Rather unusual in terms of residential complex planning, greening efforts were therefore focussed on (edible) native wood, flowering shrubs, flowering perennials and seedlings, which structure the outdoor facilities and create recreational areas.

In a workshop with the future residents, we asked them about their requirements for the use of outdoor space and integrated them into the planning process. Particular challenges were the extensive underground parking areas, the soil areas compacted by construction, the narrow time window for implementation, and the dry spring.