Guideline Habitat Corridor Danube Region. Development and design of guiding principles

Associated persons Anneliese Fuchs, Maxim Grigull, Michael Huber, Michael Jungmeier
Clients uauen National Park Administration
Year 2019

The Danube is a hub for biodiversity and an essential lifeline for Europe. While protected areas preserve some of the most valuable sites, habitat fragmentation limits efforts towards a cohesive ecosystem. Ecological connectivity is becoming increasingly important. The Interreg Project DANUBEparksCONNECTED initiated the DANUBE HABITAT CORRIDOR campaign to counteract fragmentation. It offers Danube-wide strategies and exemplary pilot actions aiming to restore and maintain connectivity. E.C.O. was commissioned to develop and design the Danube Habitat Corridor Guiding Principles which is a comprehensive document compiling experiences of good practice projects, defining priority areas for the implementation of EU Green and Blue Infrastructure and formulating 10 Guiding Principles for ecological corridors. It is an overarching guiding document for future activities in the field of ecological connectivity along the Danube.

The guiding principles are avaible for download at: