Light in the legal jungle. Development of a guideline for the optimisation of nature conservation and environmental protection approval procedures

Associated persons Michael Jungmeier, Raphael Süßenbacher, Elisabeth Wiegele
Clients KWF - Kärntner Wirtschaftsförderungs Fond (Carinthian Economic Promotion Fund)
Year 2018

Aspects of nature conservation and environmental protection are playing an increasingly important role in approval procedures. Many of the procedures (e.g. environmental impact assessments, nature impact assessments, nature conservation permits, etc.) are complex and require a great deal of effort on the part of both applicants and authorities. In a project initiated and financed by the Carinthian Economic Promotion Fund (KWF), representatives of the business community (Federation of Austrian Industry, Chamber of Commerce) and authorities (Provincial Government of Carinthia) are jointly developing recommendations for possibly effective procedures. The recommendations are based on a joint analysis of good and less good examples from the past.

The results of the project were presented in a ‚Guideline for Approval Procedures‘ and in an in-depth ‚Toolbox for Nature Conservation Procedures‘. In future, these documents provide applicants with a quick overview and the best possible preparation for the approval procedure.

Applicants find therein information on key factors for succesful approval procedures regarding planning and preparation, communication and consulting opportunities.

From the very beginning, E.C.O. contributed its expertise to this project which was initiated and financed by the Kärntner Wirtschaftsförderungs Fonds (KWF).