Employer Protected Area. Comparative study on salaries of national park staff and other industries in Armenia and Georgia

Associated persons Michael Jungmeier, Michael Huber
Clients Caucasus Nature Fund
Year 2018

The salaries for employees at Protected Areas in Armenia and Georgia are low and do not allow the PAs to attract quality staff; additionally, the low salaries mean there is a high turnover, especially amongst rangers. Since 2010, one of CNF’s main funding support priorities is to provide regular salary top-ups to the different PAs staff members to reduce the turn-over of qualified and experienced employees. That is why CNF commissioned E.C.O. to conduct a study which compares the salaries and responsibilities of PA staff with other jobs of similar responsibilities. The goal is to understand how competitive PA salaries are – in relation to the corresponding local market and to define/propose an adequate salary range. The result will be used in discussions with governmental bodies regarding state allocation to Protected Areas.