Monitoring training in Africa. Training week and action evaluation for the world's largest transnational protected area.

Associated persons Susanne Glatz-Jorde
Clients Peace Parks Foundation
Year 2018

The world’s biggest protected area Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA-TFCA) that extends across five African countries (Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe) already commissioned E.C.O. in 2013 to prepare a socio-economic baseline study and a socio-economic monitoring system. In 2018, the first interim balance will be drawn up and E.C.O. was again commissioned to implement a monitoring training. In one week of intensive trainings, the representatives of all countries had the possibility to test and revise the tools (questionnaires, focus group interviews, data base) that E.C.O. had developed. A practical exercise in which the previous protected area program’s socio-economic impacts on the local population had been evaluated, took place in a village in Namibia.