River'schools in Serbia. Concept proposal for river information centres in the UNESCO Biosphere Park Mura-Drava-Danube

Associated persons Anna Kovaroviccs, Michael Jungmeier, Lisa Schmied
Clients JP „Vojvodinašume“, Petrovaradin
Year 2018

The Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube forms a unique river landscape of European importance. To strengthen the historic, socio-economic and ecological intertwining of the river basins in the five neighbouring countries, the Transboundary Learning Network (TLN) of River'scools has been established. River'scools are public information points that point out the importance of the transnational river network and educate visitors about ecological features of the region.

To emphasize the connectivity between the areas, a corporate design with common core elements was developed for these River'scools. E.C.O. was given the task to transfer and apply the common design and elements of the River'scools in the Eco-centre “Karapandža” in SNR “Gornje Podunavlje” in Serbia. The implementation of the planned concept shall take place in summer this year.