International Studytour September 2016

Associated persons Michael Huber, Hanns Kirchmeir
Clients German society for international development (GIZ)
Year 2016

In September 2016, 20 stakeholders, local representatives and project staff from Armenia participated in a one-week study tour to the Austrian Alps in Carinthia. The study tour took place within the frame of IEC/IBIS project and covered a wide range of topics related to management of natural resources, erosion control measures, pasture and forest management as well as and afforestation in alpine areas. The participants discussed the specific challenges for farmers and local stakeholders with them and got an impression how these issues are dealt with in Austria. During the study tour participants visited alpine pastures managed by a farmers’ cooperative in the southern Limestone Alps, the administration and farmers in the Nockberge Biosphere Reserve and a small-scale tree nursery close to Gmünd as well as afforestation sites near Villach