Consulting services for the project “Support of Nature Protected Areas in Ukraine”

Associated persons Michael Jungmeier, Michael Huber
Year 2016

Compared to its territory size, the Ukraine hosts a vast amount of plant and animal species. But Ukraine’s rich biodiversity is under pressure. Unsustainable land use practices, land conversion and fragmentation and the expansion of infrastructure are resulting in the degradation, fragmentation and loss of natural habitats. The project “Support of Protected Areas in Ukraine”, funded by the german development bank (KfW) and implemented by an international consortium led by the AHT Group, is addressing those challenges. The project aims at contributing to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the Ukraine through improved management effectiveness of selected protected areas and through an increased level of acceptance among the local communities. E.C.O. has been subcontracted to support the project implementation with its technical expertise in the field of protected area management and planning.