Mapping of NATURA 2000 habitat type 91L0 in the region Südost-Steiermark

Associated persons Tobias Köstl, Hanns Kirchmeir
Year 2016

The Styrian Provincial Government ordered the assessment of the habitat type 91L0 „Illyrian oak-hornbeam forests (Erythronio-Carpinion)“,. The area of investigation were two Natura 2000 sites „Teile des Südoststeirischen Hügellandes inklusive Höll und Grabenlandbäche“ and „Steirische Grenzmur mit Gamlitzbach und Gnasbach“. Besides the assessment of the habitat type, the relative and absolute surface as well as the conservation status were to be assessed. Additionally, on a given forest stand in the south-west of Spielfeld an assessment of all habitat types has been carried out.