Nature park information and Schütt rest area

Associated persons Elisabeth Kreimer
Clients Naturpark Dobratsch
Year 2011

A gigantic rockfall occurred on the southern slope of the Dobratsch in 1348. Today, this area, 24 km² large, constitutes the largest landslide area in the Eastern Alps and makes up the Dobratsch Nature Park. In and around the Schütt landslide area, as well as in the nature park municipalities, there are information points for the natural area of Schütt and Dobratsch. In this region, which appears to be inhospitable, unique and particularly biodiverse fauna and flora were able to develop. Also at the entry to the Schütt area, to the east of the Arnoldstein recreation centre, a nature park information point is being established with a three-sided information column in the new nature park design, and climbing structures for children and rest places are being installed. Visitors can obtain information in German, Slovenian and Italian about the development of the unique living space in the Schütt landslide area and the reptiles that can be found there.