Our yearbooks are finished
Reminiscing the past year

Our yearbook chronicles projects, events, educational offers, employees and other highlights that are all the puzzle parts that make up our work. It is a cross section of our activities at home and abroad and ranges from exhibitions and theme trails to habitat mapping to research studies on soil governance or Japanese knotweed and include impressions from memorable events of the past year. It also shows this year's highlights such as the construction of additional office space for our new colleagues, the launch of our facebook page and the presentation of our new drone. The freshly printed editions are baged and on their way to our work partners, colleagues and friends. The feedback that we already recieved is throughout positive and encouraging. If you want to get to know our office and our projects better, have a look at: https://e-c-o.at/files/graphics/Jahrbuecher/Jahrbuch2018_2019_GESAMT_180702.pdf