New face at E.C.O.
Manuela pulls the strings behind the scenes.

“I don’t like to be in the spotlight. I prefer to stay behind the scenes and make sure that everything goes smoothly”, says Manuela Turk, smiling. She is at exactly the right place in our office, the backbone of E.C.O. Manuela has been working at E.C.O. since the beginning of May, thus completing our team.
After she had worked for a few years in the construction industry, at haulage companies, in banking and in finance as well as in tourism, she wanted to try something completely new and came across our institute. Her “multi-cultural” family is as varied as the mixture of industries that Manuela knows. As the “confectioner of the family”, Manuela is responsible for the sweeter sides of life.
The reason Manuela is here is the price she pays for a bet she lost to her sister. The outcome of the bet decided whether Manuela would continue her stay of many years in the USA for an indefinite time or come back to Carinthia. Tough luck for you, Manuela; good luck for us. We wish you lots of success at E.C.O.!