Game of Clones
Following the tracks of Japanese Knotgras

On October 17th, 2017 the young scientists of the 5th, 6th and 7th grade of the BORG Spittal visited E.C.O. and the Lakeside Park. After a short technical introduction to the Japanese Knotgras and some snacks in the E.C.O. headquarter, the group went outside to start the actual research work. Roland Eberwein, head of the Kärntner Botanikzentrum explained the characteristics of these plants and their very successful strategy of dissemination by the example of Knotgras populations in the Lakeside Park.
This kick-off excursion took place within the framework of the Sparkling Science project “Game of Clones”, which focusses on transferring the characteristics of the dissemination and control of the Japanese Knotgras into a computer game.